Mech vision

Variantes: Standard version

Referencia: RBTX-MECH-0022

Mech-Vision allows easy processing of 3D point clouds without programming knowledge. Predefined functions can be simply dragged and dropped into the workspace to solve object recognition tasks. Pre-processing and optimization of point clouds can also be implemented in Mech-Vision in just a few editing steps.

Plazo de entrega habitual: 3 semanas

Nuestros destacados

Object detection in point clouds

With Mech-Vision, you can process the 3D point clouds from 3D camera sensors and recognize objects using clustering, model and CAD matching, and deep learning. This provides you with information about the component location, component size and component properties. Based on this information, the best gripping points are then determined and transferred to the Mech-Viz robot controller.

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