RBTX Test Before Invest service
Variantes: Advanced test package
We test your application. You receive a feasibility statement for your automation process with a fixed price offer. We have already carried out 1000+ tests. Depending on the requirements of your process, we have the right test package for you. You receive:
- A fixed price offer
- Cycle time
- Video of the application
If you decide to order the components, you will receive a discount of 500€.
Plazo de entrega habitual: 3 semanas
Nuestros destacados

Have your application tested now!
The extended test package includes:
We test customized applications
You get a video, fixed price offer & cycle time
€500 will be credited in case of a robot order
Sistemas económicos creados con RBTX
Concierte una videollamada gratuita con nuestros expertos
Elija la franja horaria que prefiera
Muéstrenos su aplicación
Definimos con usted todos los componentes
Recibirá una oferta de precio fijo