Apiro® Robotic kit

Referencia: RBTX-IGUS-0174

The Apiro® (Greek for "infinite") robot gearbox construction kit is now available as a starter kit. Build your own robot, including instructions.

The following assemblies can be built:

  • 1. Apiro® space gantry
  • 2. Apiro® area gantry
  • 3. Apiro® mini articulated arm robot
  • 4. Apiro® pusher
  • 5. apiro® 2-axis picker
  • 6. apiro® 3-axis picker
  • 7. apiro® 360° picker
  • 8. Apiro® SCARA

Plazo de entrega habitual: 3 semanas

without control

Nuestros destacados

LCA PROD RL-A14-0109-4 Apiro cantilever axis 1-removebg-preview (1)

First steps into the world of robotic

The robotics kit provides a playful introduction to the world of robotics. It is aimed at educational institutions and all those who want to gain initial experience with different kinematics or simply want to try them out. Eight different robot systems can be set up in no time at all. Have fun experimenting!

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